Thursday, June 7, 2007

The Apprentice week 11: Katie Hopkins wins final place, but bows out...

The Apprentice reached a crucial stage last night as Alan Sugar had to choose two finalists from the remaining five would be apprentices. This is the stage of the competition when Sir Alan brings in his three advisors, aka the three stooges, to give their views on each of the contestants.

I'm sure that many viewers are like myself and they find this interview stage a tad boring, as the two teams no longer have tasks to complete and there's no boardroom at the end of the episode. Instead we have blood on the carpet as the stooges rip-apart and psycho-analyse the candidates one by one. Last night's show didn't disappoint in that respect, as once again Katie Hopkins showed the ruthless side of her character when she let it be known she'd taken the husband of another woman because 'she wanted him'.

Going into week 11, many viewers must have been thinking that time was up for Lohit and Tres and they weren't wrong. Lohit was viewed as being boring and too nice, while Tres was viewed as something of a back-bedroom chancer.

Eventually Sugar decided that Katie would go through to the final, but then before deciding who would join her, Sir Alan did something which was remarkable as he apparently sensed that Hopkins might not be willing to comply with their earlier conversations about her moving her family and 'support unit' nearer to London. To me this was a startling revelation, had Sugar already canvassed Katie about her willingness to up-root her family? It seems that he had, whatever the details of that conversation Katie decided that she could not give her word that she would be able to keep her end of the bargain and promptly withdrew from the final. It was a dramatic exit for the venus fly trap.

Regular readers of the this blog will note that we told you earlier that someone won through to the final, but didn't take the job - we weren't far off the money on that score...

The two remaining contestants Simon and Kristina both go through to week 12 the final.

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